HUEnergy™ Model & Method
The HUEnergy™ Model
The proprietary HUEnergy™ Model is developed by Dr. Huesan Tran to demystify how the different energies of the human energy system work together and why Infinite Energy of the Universe is the source to sustain life and nature. It provides a holistic understanding of energy healing to cultivate higher awareness.
The HUEnergy™ Model integrates concepts of energy healing across disciplines and provides a foundation and platform for different energy healing modalities to collaborate and contribute to the total well-being of humanity and planet Earth. Students, practitioners, and experts from different disciplines can further enhance their understanding and application of energy healing in healthcare, commerce, and science via the HUEnergy™ Model. It is the foundation for Holistic Spiritual Integration™ and simplifying spiritual development in modern time to fast track attaining unity of body/mind/soul with the Spirit, and the energetic Divine Union with God the Infinite Energy.
The HUEnergy™ Method
The HUEnergy™ Method activates the Meridian of God in you for instant access to Infinite Energy, similar to activating cell phone to receive signals or gaining access to the internet to retrieve and send information. It is a natural way to allow the brain waves to align and establishes the resonance with the Infinite Energy in a very short time without needing long meditation, or relying on device, sound, color, mantra or other means. This enables you to receive and send Infinite Energy to restore balance for health wellness, and nature as well as elevating consciousness. Advance HUEnergy™ methods involve applications, research, and studies on this multidisciplinary super science across industries to enhance the energetic and conscious states of humans, animals, plants, and all living creatures, as well as planet Earth.
Before HUEnergy™ Initiation
After HUEnergy™ Initiation
The Benefits of HUEnergy™ Practice
⦁ Enhance the ability to receive & send Infinite Energy
⦁ Restore & enhance self-healing ability for longevity
⦁ Enhance mindfulness, wellness & productivities
⦁ Relax and reduce mental and emotional stress
⦁ Improve concentration and focus
⦁ Attain calmness, harmony, and tranquility
⦁ Develop the brain’s potential
⦁ Strengthen the nervous system
⦁ Balance the endocrine system
⦁ Prolong life for longevity
⦁ Develop self-awareness & collective consciousness
⦁ Awaken to divinity and unify the body/mind/spirit
⦁ Unfold divine-human potentials for economic, planetary, and world healing
Before HUEnergy™ Energy Session
After HUEnergy™ Energy Session